Monday, May 17, 2010


I have an obsessssssion with nails! Seriously, I always alternate polishes regularly simply because I can't get enough of having a different color on my nails. Did that even make sense? Anyway, just thought I would briefly (probably not brief, but whatevs) go over my favorite nail polishes ever :) Also, what I personally think are staples in any collection!

A little somethin' somethin' to please your ears as you read...

Let's get staaaarted!

I suppose I should start with what I'm wearing in the picture above. China Glaze is probably my all-time faaavorite brand. They're all so opaque and the color range is ridiculous (in a good way)! So this one is Secret Peri-wink-le and it's a gorgeous periwinkle blue - perfect for spring! To kind of jazz it up, I added a leopard-esque design onto my ring fingernail. (I've also got leopard print toenails too! Just the big toe, though)

The first staple, in my opinion, that should be in ANY nail polish collection is BLACK.
This one is Sally Hansen Hard As Nails with nylon - bought on sale at Wal-Mart for $2!!!
I used to alwaaaays paint my toenails black, I don't know why! But there never was a day when they weren't black. I don't do that anymore though... I've expanded my horizons! But I think black is such an essential because it is so neutral and versatile. Black matches with anything! I also use it to add designs to my nails as well. You can't go wrong with black!!! It matches with every skin color!

But of course, black can get a liiiiittle boring... I adore my fair share of bright colors too!
High Hopes by China Glaze is a really pretty pinky, orangey coral. Coral anything is perfect for spring/summer! Trust me, it's also one of my obsessions. I have this color on my toes right now (but I won't show you since that's weird.....) and it's really bright and really fun! It's a really nice cross between pink and orange.

I love green!!! China Glaze's Four Leaf Clover is such a pretty green. The picture doesn't do it justice. It looks as if it would be turquoise-teal-ish but it's not - it's greeeeen! I know that sounds kind of iffy, and at first I was like what the, this isn't what it's supposed to look like! But it's honestly SO pretty it doesn't matter, haha.
**WARNING: I (stupidly) wore this without a base coat, and it left my nails green :| I will be doing a video soon on how I take care of my nails so stay tuned for that :) but yeah, bottom line, wear a base coat!!!

Another bright addition, that is yet another STAPLE in your nail polish collection is RED!
This is my faaaave red, China Glaze's China Rouge, because it's a bright red; but not TOO red. Make sense? It's not as opaque and bold as the other ones, but that's why I like it. It's just reeeeeally pretty and like I mentioned it is a staple, just like red lipstick! It's just sooooo classic and seriously any red nail polish will do.

Bright colors are dandy, but I sometimes like to tone it down with possibly my favorite type, PASTEL COLORS! They seem to be really in nowadays which makes it even better since they're so accessible :)

Light As Air by China Glaze is a pale lavender color that almost seems to even be a little grey. Let's just call it a toned down lavender.... but yeah. This is really pretty for wearing any time! It's so interchangeable and matches with anything because it's so light and it's got that grey, neutral tone.
(This picture is also a bit off; it's more purple-y in person. My camera/lighting is weeeeird)

Okay, time to move on from China Glaze, haha. Essie's Mint Candy Apple is possibly my favorite polish everrrrrr. Mint green is one of my favorite colors so... kind of makes sense. I also get lots of compliments when I wear this, which is nice, not gonna lie :) But this color is so flattering ....can nail polish even BE flattering?? Forgive me for the lack of better words. Whenever I have this on I feel so happy (haha, lame) but it's a really nice color! It's so opaque and makes my nails really stand out.

I don't know if you can tell, but I love doing designs and stuff on my nails. The issue is that a lot of nail design stuff is pretty pricey, in comparison to actual full size bottles of nail polish (ex. Nicole by OPI nail art pens are around $8!! Craaaazy...)

But I have found something even better!!! L.A. Colors Art Deco is a great alternative to those expensive nail pens. It's got a long, thin brush which makes creating designs easier, and it also ensures precision with detailing. I've only got this white one, but I love it! My cousin gave it to me, but I've seen then in dollar stores! Yes, world, there IS greatness available for ONE DOLLAR!

Speaking of one dollar things....

L.A. Colors does it again! I got this Nail Hardener at my local dollar store, and seeeeeriously, I love it! I haven't gotten any chipping with it, and I usually wear my nails for about two weeks. The only issue would be that it takes about 10 minutes to fully dry, but who cares! You can't go wrong with $1!!!! Seriously.

Anywho, hope y'all enjoyed reading about my favorites! I so would have included way more than I did, but who really wants to read essays right now. I would have gone on foreverrrrrr. So thanks guuuys <3 stay tuned for more as well as more videos!!!!

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Thanks loves,
<3 Camille

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